Nominate candidates or run yourself in the 2019 Board Elections

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Nominate candidates or run yourself in the 2019 Board Elections


The College would like to thank outgoing Board members Mona Kwong, Tara Oxford, Frank Lucarelli and Arden Barry for their years of dedication and commitment to protecting public safety in British Columbia. 

With four College Board members reaching the end of their terms, the College is seeking new pharmacy professionals to replace them as representatives of the following districts:

  • District 1 - Metropolitan Vancouver
  • District 3 - Vancouver Island / Coastal
  • District 5 - Northern British Columbia
  • District 7 - Community Hospitals

We are excited to welcome four new members and their unique perspectives and experience to the Board table.

You can play an important role in these elections by identifying and nominating the best possible candidates or deciding to run yourself!

Board members play a significant role and responsibility. It is important to remember that while an election process is used to establish Board membership, the mandate of the Board is to uphold the College’s duty as set out in the Health Professions Act: to serve and protect the public. It is an honour and a privilege to self-regulate our own professions and one which we all take seriously.

Board members, whether pharmacists, pharmacy technicians or public appointees, bring diverse points of view to the table and work as a team to make sound policy and governance decisions in the public interest. Every new Board member receives an orientation to the Board’s governance model and is required to take and sign an Oath of Office indicating their understanding and commitment to their role.

Registrants in Districts 1 (Metropolitan Vancouver), 3 (Vancouver Island / Coastal), 5 (Northern British Columbia) and 7 (Community Hospitals). (See the District Chart).

Submitting Nominations

Nomination forms must be submitted electronically to the College by emailing the form to [email protected] or by faxing to 604-733-2493 (toll free 800-377-8129).

Nominees must also email an electronic document with a 500 word or less biography and a high resolution digital photo (JPG or PNG) to [email protected].

Nomination forms and information about the role and responsibilities of the College Board are available online.

The deadline for election nominations is Friday, August 16, 2019 at 5:00 PM (PDT).

Writing Your Bio

Nominees are required to submit a brief biography as part of the College's Board Elections.

Nominee bios should focus on promoting the health and wellness of the public through the regulation of pharmacy practice, and not on advocating for pharmacy professionals.

In order to assist prospective candidates in writing appropriate bios, the College has developed the following guidance document.

College Board Elections Biography Guidelines

These are exciting and challenging times for pharmacy, as government and the public look to pharmacists and pharmacy technicians to play an enhanced role in providing quality health care. The College needs passionate and forward thinking Board members who are dedicated to our mandate of delivering safe and effective pharmacy care as our professions evolve.

Board Elections: Key Dates

  • August 16, 2019 - Deadline for nomination forms, biographies and photos (5:00 PM PDT)
  • August 26, 2019 - Online election poll opens (9:00 AM PDT)
  • October 4, 2019 - Online election poll closes (5:00 PM PDT)
Jul 22, 2019