Mifegymiso Updates

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Mifegymiso updates 

On November 7, 2017, Health Canada implemented changes regarding the prescribing and dispensing of Mifegymiso

Health Canada announced removal of the restrictions on distribution, prescribing and dispensing Mifegymiso. As a result, Mifegymiso will now have federal regulations similar to other prescription drugs. 

Changes also included allowing the drug to be prescribed up to nine weeks (63 days) into a pregnancy, rather than the previous limit of seven weeks (49 days). Directions for use remain the same, and patients should take the medication as directed by their health professional, either at a health facility or at home.

Summary of changes made by Health Canada

  • Language changed to “health professional” rather than “physician.” 
  • Pharmacists (or health professionals) may now dispense directly to patients. 
  • Gestational age limit extended to 63 days (from 49 days) 
  • Patients no longer required to sign a consent form (however, informed consent is still recommended)
  • Mandated health professional training no longer required 
  • Registered healthcare professionals will no longer be required to register with the manufacturer for authorization to prescribe or dispense Mifegymiso.

Training programs available on the use of Mifegymiso include: 

For more information on these changes and for general information about the prescribing and dispensing of Mifegymiso in British Columbia, please visit our dedicated resource page at: bcpharmacists.org/mifegymiso

Nov 30, 2017