How can I track the status of my pharmacy licence renewal application? Is there a way for me to see which of my Indirect Owners has not submitted a requirement?

How can I track the status of my pharmacy licence renewal application? Is there a way for me to see which of my Indirect Owners has not submitted a requirement?

The status of the pharmacy licence renewal application can be tracked on eServices by either the Authorized Representative(s) or the pharmacy manager. Indirect Owners of the pharmacy will not be able to track the renewal status, or see the status of their Proof of Eligibility. Indirect Owners should reach out to their Authorized Representative(s) if they have questions about the renewal status of a pharmacy. The steps taken to access this information on eServices by the Authorized Representative(s) or pharmacy manager are different depending on your role(s). However, note that only the Authorized Representative(s) of the pharmacy can see who has and has not submitted their attestation and/or Criminal Record History (CRH).

  • Authorized Representative: Log into eServices and go to ‘My Pharmacies’. Scroll down and expand the list of pharmacies by clicking on the ‘+’ sign next to the name of the Direct Owner. Once you have expanded the list of pharmacies owned by that Direct Owner, scroll down the list to find the pharmacy due for renewal. Next to the pharmacy name, you will see the status of the attestation, CRH, business licence, and payment. The status of the ownership information will be listed next to the name of the Direct Owner. To view the detailed list of Indirect Owners, click on the ‘Pending’ link under the Renewal Complete column. This detailed list will display all of the Indirect Owners and whether or not they have submitted their attestation and/or CRH. This list does not disclose the eligibility status of the attestation and CRH.
  • Pharmacy Manager: Log into eServices and go to ‘My Pharmacies’. Scroll down to the pharmacy summary at the bottom of the page. This summary will provide the status of the ownership information, attestation, CRH, business licence, and payment. Note that only the Authorized Representative(s) of a pharmacy are able see a detailed view of which Indirect Owners have submitted their attestation or Criminal Record History (CRH). 

Note: the ‘Attestation Summary’ and ‘CRH Summary’ statuses refers to the status of all attestations and Criminal Record History results required for the pharmacy renewal application. If one or more individuals has not submitted their attestation and/or CRH, the ‘Attestation Summary’ and/or ‘CRH Summary’ column status will show as ‘Pending’, regardless of whether you have personally submitted this information.

For further explanation of each renewal status, refer to the Pharmacy Licensure Guide.