Do I have to report a change in pharmacy hours?

Do I have to report a change in pharmacy hours?

Yes, pursuant to the Pharmacy Operations and Drug Scheduling Act Bylaws, the pharmacy hours, both when a pharmacist is on and off duty, must be reported to the College. This change can be reported by either the Authorized Representative(s) or the pharmacy manager in the Pharmacy Portal. To access the Pharmacy Portal, log into eServices, go to ‘My Pharmacies’ and scroll to the bottom of the page. At this point, you may have one of two views depending on your role(s):

  • Authorized Representative: Click the '+' sign next to the name of the Direct Owner, and then the pharmacy name. On the next page you must click ‘Next’ at the bottom of both the ‘Profile’ and ‘Staff’ pages to access the ‘Services’ page. You may edit the start or end time by selecting the correct time in the dropdown menu on the corresponding day of the week. To save changes, click the ‘Next’ button once all hours have been updated.
  • Pharmacy Manager: Click on the pharmacy name. On the next page you must click ‘Next’ at the bottom of both the ‘Profile’ and ‘Staff’ pages to access the ‘Services’ page. You may edit the start or end time by selecting the correct time in the dropdown menu on the corresponding day of the week. To save changes, click the ‘Next’ button once all hours have been updated.

For further information on updating the pharmacy hours, refer to the College website or the Pharmacy Licensure Guide.