Are all electronic records required to be maintained in a system that complies with the new technology requirements?

Are all electronic records required to be maintained in a system that complies with the new technology requirements?

Bylaw reference: PODSA Bylaws, s.23.3(1):

23.3. (1) A pharmacy may maintain electronic records containing personal health information if the pharmacy has the equipment, software and systems necessary for the input, storage, use, protection and retrieval of records that are required to be kept under bylaws of the college or other legislation that regulates the practice of pharmacy.

Only records containing personal health information are required to be maintained in a system that complies with s. 23.3 of the PODSA Bylaws.  This means that records such as invoices and documentation in respect of the purchase, receipt or transfer of drugs, confidentiality forms, narcotic reconciliation records, and other non-patient related records may be kept in electronic form in a system of the pharmacy’s choice.