Within 90 Days (Late Registration Renewal)

Within 90 Days (Late Registration Renewal)

If your registration has expired within 90 days, you may reinstate your registration through the late registration renewal process, which is similar to the process for renewing your registration and with an additional late registration fee as specified in Schedule D of the HPA Bylaws plus applicable taxes. If your Criminal Record Check (CRC) is expiring, a CRC fee will be added to your total registration fee. Visit the Registration Renewal page for the steps to complete your reinstatement online.

PDAP requirements must be met prior to being able to submit the application. CE submissions are subject to an audit by the Professional Development Department with a processing time of up to 5 business days.  See Programs for more information.Confirm any outstanding PDAP requirements with the College at: [email protected].

Allow 1 day for your PharmaNet access to be reactivated after you have completed your late renewal.

You must not provide pharmacy services until your registration has been reinstated by the College.